class: center, middle, title-slide # Introduction ## R/Pharma 2020 Text modeling workshop ### Emil Hvitfeldt ### 2020-10-09 --- class: middle # Workshop Information All information will be located here --- class: middle, center # About me ###
[EmilHvitfeldt]( ###
[@Emil_Hvitfeldt]( ###
[emilhvitfeldt]( ###
[]( --- .pull-left[ ## Text mining with R Julia Silge and David Robinson Great introduction to text mining and {tidytext} ] .pull-right[  ] --- ### Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R Emil Hvitfeldt and Julia Silge In depth exploration of the effect text preprocessing Predictive modeling case studies --- class: middle # Workshop outline 1. Introduction 2. Text mining 3. Predictive Modeling --- class: middle # Workshop outline 1. **Introduction** 2. Text mining 3. Predictive Modeling --- ## We will be following a strict Code of Conduct --- # Interactive workshop - We will stay in one Zoom Room - Small exercises for you to work on - Chat participation is welcomed --- # Questions Questions should be asked in the chat and I will try to address them as soon as possible with the help of the TAs --- # Breaks There will be a break from XX:00 to XX:10 regardless of where we are in the material